Tuesday 27 April 2010

Man Is The Mission

The One With Pacific

I'm four episodes into The Pacific, and loving it. I cant stop humming the theme.

Three things have stuck with me. One was the way the Americans attacked the last surviving Japanese soldier. Shooting him repeatedly, but not killing him. Eventually one Soldier did the "humane" thing, and shot him in the face. They all look at each other, as if they realise what they're becoming. Powerful stuff.

The second, is when they are travelling on the train. A soldier is taking pot shots at cows, as they zoom along. He hits one. One soldier is mortified that everyone else is laughing. He tries to explain that that was a dairy cow, and that he may have ruined the farmers business. Again, the soldiers laugh.

Thirdly, is the soldier who takes a mortified look at what the jungle has done to his feet.

It will be a Blu Ray purchase, for sure. And sit proudly alongside Band of Brothers. I got Saving Private Ryan on Blu, Monday. It can sit alongside that, too.

1 comment:

KendallJaye said...

Seven eppys in and liking it. I'm so glad that Jurassic Park kid can still find work.