Friday, 23 April 2010

"Call Me Snake"

The One With Kurt Russell

Kurt Russell is one of the most underrated gems in Hollywood history. 
Rumour is he's upset. And that makes me upset. What we thought, 
nay hoped was dead... is alive once more. 

Its like my childhood just got molested a bit. Which also makes me feel old. Most remakes up until now haven't bothered me. They didn't star my freaking hero, though.

I found out my Dad's reading the Blog, which is great. Hopefully the mix of United>Movies>Gaming will appeal. This will make us both a little sick in the stomach though. Escape From New York is untouchable for me. The original is a masterpiece, from one of our fave directors. I would like this more if they took the idea, and ramped it up to eleven. They need it to be Neil Marshalls first big budget movie, and I would probably go for Gerrard Butler. Failing that, give it to James Cameron and Sam Worthington. As much as I loved The Crazies remake... Breck Eisner is never going to have the same ring to it.

Oh well. We'll be there opening night. They better keep the music, though.

*Hums John Carpenters original score*


KendallJaye said...

Check out Sky High... it's funsies.

@maverick99sback said...

I'm a big fan, KJC.

If I had to sleep with a man... It would be KR dressed as Elvis.