Saturday 12 June 2010

"You Complete Me. You. Complete. Me."

The One Where I Realise LiveForFilm.Com May Now Be My Fave Site In The World

Kubrick vs Scorsese from Leandro Copperfield on Vimeo.

Tarantino vs Coen Brothers from Leandro Copperfield on Vimeo.

Wow. Just wow. I'm a movie fan, but seriously... these are phenomenal.

Again. Fan made. Fake. mental.

Then finally...

Support Live For Film. It's a pretty bloody amazing site, right now.

As an aside, A Team is getting good reviews, as is Karate Kid. 

Clash of the Titans 2... I'm all over that. This time, filmed in 3-d. Nice to know they've learnt from their mistake.

Transformers 3 is shaping up. 

Pirates 4 isn't a bad dream. It's on. Barbosa is back. Err... yah? continues it's battle against CGI. They get day 12 wrong though...

And finally... this is dying to become a film...


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