Well, that was nice.
Toy Story 3 wraps up a trilogy that I really feel part of. I feel like I've grown up with the characters, and if the fat cats in Hollywood can stay away, it's the perfect closing act.
So, I thought I'd throw it out there.
What is the greatest movie trilogy of all time?
Gray and I have been trying to open the Blogs up, to encourage a bit of interaction. So... let's have a vote.
I'll give you a few suggestions, then it's up to you.
For one week, everyone votes by commenting below.
Comment moderation is off, so you can literally leave your vote, and ideally a reason.
Then, next Monday, there will be a piece on this here Blog, with Gray and my views on said trilogy.
There's quite a few to choose from, when you think about it... but there are some rules.
Rambo, as good as that was... Does. Not. Count. That is now a series of films, and ceases to be just a trilogy.
This needs to be three's. Any more, any less. It. Does. Not. Count.
So, them's the rules.
Happy voting.
This is a trilogy, as the sequels don't exist to most people.
Until they convince PJ to sign on the dotted line... TRILOGY!
So, go on... Vote.
GC may even do a little graph.
its simple. lotr. just think about the first time you watched these films, and the last time you watched them. always a classic.
Easily my favorite trilogy.
also AT, got a little treat for you........
is MJF dead?
MC: ...Sort of...
Got to be Godfather. 1 & 2 are two of the greatest films EVER. 3 aint so hot, but it's better than most people think it is. If only Winona Ryder hadn't pulled out. Godfather Trilogy by miles.
OK... So twitter has woken up to THE GREATEST VOTE OF ALL TIME...
OAJP24 = Beverly Hills Cop/Karate Kid or Godfather
Making me think we should have limited it to one vote!
Girlie4 = Pirates of the Caribbean, with LOTR second
Jaxsensi = Godfather... typing single handedly, whilst on the phone. Impressive!
Miss Kyle = LOTR, outright dismissing Godfather, purely on the basis of Godfather 3.
Any more takers??
DomCoke = I can break down my non-vote tho: Star Wars: Ewoks, Godfather: *yawn*, Back to the Future: No. 2 (there never should have been any films other than the first, which is masterpiece), Three Colours: I haven't seen White (Blue is fantastic), LOTR: Return of the King's interminable multiple endings (FFS, some editor should've bitch-slapped Jackson bout that), Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom's implicit racism & Last Crusade's slight lameness, Bourne: This could well be a contender. Tho I ain't seen the last.
... I think we'll include that only in the event of a tie... But as ever, i appreciate him getting involved!
AndyKiz = for the record though, starwars and LOTR are my fave trilogies, but I couldnt pick between them.
Fair dous to Andy for being brave enough to recognise SW as a Trilogy. Or two Trilogies. Cue sad faces from @DiaryOfALedger and @DavieLegend. Also fair dous to him - for somehow managing to *NOT* vote for Manchester Uniteds incredible Treble, in 1999.
Hahaha that was not really a trilogy, more a sequence of unfortunate events!
Looks like FB has woken up too, today...
KJC = INDY. (The fourth doesn't count because Shaya LaPoof makes it null and void)... I once threated Mr. Collins with speaking to him in only Indy quotes. It lasted a while, but I don't think he appreciated. :)
KyeLani = Bourne?
Graham = FA Cup, Premier League, Champions League 1999 edition... On a serious note, its got to be Lord of The Rings or Starwars (originals)
And Flash = BTTF.
For me I'll have to go for the Mad Max trilogy, loved every one of them.
^ That is a GREAT shout.
That didn't even make any lists I've seen of similar polls.
Awesome call.
The Jersey Trilogy
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