Friday, 31 December 2010
The One With The Film Of The Year
#1 The Town
It has to be this way, really.
Inception is by far the more showy of the two - and really, this is a tie for me.
But my god do I love this film.
The fact that it crept up from no where, and no one saw it coming?
Well, on a wet evening, that definitely added to it's effect on me.
The Directors Cut is my most anticipated film of 2011. No question.
AMMENDED: 04//01//2011
I thought I should maybe ammend this with a bit of a tribute to Pete Postlethwaite, who died last night. I'm a bit gutted, to be honest. He'll rightly be lauded for some classic iconic roles, and is a huge loss. If you ever needed a silver lining though, check out The Town and Inception. He was in two of the best films of the last ten years as a good bye gift to the World, and that's exactly how it should be.
Now... who fancies watching Usual Suspects with me... "ya fuckin' cock sucka"
Now. Over to The Ledgers for their top five...
1 - Shutter Island
2 - Inception
3 - The Town
4 - Karate Kid
5 - Let Me In
with Toy Story 3 and I'm Still Here running them close.
1 - Kick Ass
2 - Social Network
3 - Inception
4 - Ironman 2
5 - Restrepo
1 - Inception
2 - The Town
3 - Kick Ass
4 - Scott Pilgrim
5 - Shutter Island
1 - The Town
2 - Inception
3 - Let Me In
4 - Monsters
5 - I'm Still Here
Thursday, 30 December 2010
The One With The Second Best Film Of The Year
#2 Inception
"Imperious. Timeless. Out Of Nowhere. Leo Is god. Phenominal. Demands Re-Visiting."
Yeah. I really thought it would be #1 too.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
The One With The Forth Best Film Of The Year
#4 Monsters
"Beautiful. Poetic. Best Opening/Close Of The Year.
Monday, 27 December 2010
The One With The Fifth Best Film Of The Year
#5 I'm Still Here
"Wow. Best JP Performance Ever. Plus Some Of The Best Rapping Ever Recorded. Genius Film Making."
This booted Karate Kid and A Serbian Film out of my top five for 2010. And seeing it in December means I'm still buzzing from it. Class.
Sunday, 26 December 2010
The One With The Honourable Mentions...
I thought I would do my top five films of the year, with no more than 140 characters explaining why. A bit of a nod to twitter, and to movie poster quotes.
That starts from tomorrow. I'll post mine in the morning, then JMcGs in the evening. We'll soon see who has better taste. Or who is more learned.
In the mean time, there were a couple that I felt deserved honourable mentions...
Scott Pilgrim Versus The World
"Don't Let People Tell You 2010 Was Rubbish For Films. They Ignored This."
It's been a good year for films, I think.
Sure, you have to delve through a lot of shit (especially when you have a cine pass!), but this top five are worthy of any year.
My highlight of the year, (Apart from JMcG coaxing me into get said cine pass that is - best thing I did was get back to the flicks matey, cheers for encouraging that), in unquestionable though.
Toy Story 3. With Mrs T, and Ethan Zachs.
Seriously, seriously hard to think of a better family day we've had this year.
Read about it, HERE.
And if you're wondering where Shutter Island is, I got hold of a copy, and will always consider that a 2009 film.
Catfish really impressed me. Kick Ass was brilliant. It's been a good year. Right? Right?
That starts from tomorrow. I'll post mine in the morning, then JMcGs in the evening. We'll soon see who has better taste. Or who is more learned.
In the mean time, there were a couple that I felt deserved honourable mentions...
"Brilliantly acted. Beautifully filmed. Great soundtrack. Respects Original. Classic If Called "Kung Fu Kid""
Scott Pilgrim Versus The World
"Don't Let People Tell You 2010 Was Rubbish For Films. They Ignored This."
It's been a good year for films, I think.
Sure, you have to delve through a lot of shit (especially when you have a cine pass!), but this top five are worthy of any year.
My highlight of the year, (Apart from JMcG coaxing me into get said cine pass that is - best thing I did was get back to the flicks matey, cheers for encouraging that), in unquestionable though.
Toy Story 3. With Mrs T, and Ethan Zachs.
Seriously, seriously hard to think of a better family day we've had this year.
Read about it, HERE.
And if you're wondering where Shutter Island is, I got hold of a copy, and will always consider that a 2009 film.
Catfish really impressed me. Kick Ass was brilliant. It's been a good year. Right? Right?
Saturday, 25 December 2010
The One With A Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, one and all.
But seriously, WTF are you reading my Blog for?
It's the one day I'll let you off not reading it...!
But seriously, WTF are you reading my Blog for?
It's the one day I'll let you off not reading it...!
Friday, 24 December 2010
The One With A Merry Fucking Christmas
Ha. My second favourite story of the year.
A drunken Santa. Sacked for being drunk. Locks himself in. Has a play with Harrods lights. Done.
Merry Christmas.
Thursday, 23 December 2010
The One Where @DavieLegend Gets Mrs T To Marry Me
I had a cool idea a while ago. I wanted to sing a song for Ju.
A song that I hadn't even heard until the Summer. But one that I couldn't get out of my head.
I first heard it on Live_For_Films, HERE, and the video that accompanied it made me cry. GC, Sare and I watched that vid during the tweetathon, too. So it's my song of the year, for bringing all of those elements together.
But I can't sing. I really can't.
Luckily, I know a man that can.
A man that as well as being my favourite tweeter, really really wanted an i-Phone. So I cut him a deal.
Davie also told my favourite story of the year, HERE, where ironically (like 10,000 spoons kind of ironic), the gorgeous couple had this song as part of their special day. That story had a fairy tale ending, HERE, and remains a case of human spirit surging on - triumphant in the face of the worse kind of adversity.
Davie came up with the goods for me.
So Ju, Mrs T, this is for you. Merry Christmas. Davie learnt to sing this especially for you. I'm so proud of this Family we've created. This Christmas is going to the best yet, and next year even better, and the next...
(Please don't fall in love with him, though.) x
And Davie, cheers mate. I wish I could have your voice as much as you wish you could have my looks.

Davie is hardly short of followers, but if you're on twitter, you're not getting the full package if you don't follow him. He's a humble guy, but you really need to be a fan of his YouTube page too. Then when he finally gets round to doing some Biffy (*coughs* or Counting Crows *coughs*), you'll hear it first. Hit HERE to go straight there.
I can't wait to buy him a beer at the Isle Of Wight Festival in 2011. And maybe trying to hatch a plan to get him on stage!
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
The One Where The Blog Hits 500
Contrary to popular belief I Blog less than I used too. Have a look at the "Recent Posts" bit on the right, by month.
I think I've done what I said I would do with this Blog though. And I'm really proud of it, and still enjoy writing it.
Cheers to anyone whose contributed, read, commented, re-tweeted, "liked", told your friends, invited friends on FB. Special thanks to those that haven't given me any shit for it, too, and let me get on with it.
Here's to 1000.
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
The One With The Holy Trinity
What are my Top Three movies of all time?
I ask because in doing the Top Five of 2010, (which evolved a lot), I got to wondering.
Phil, head of LFF, and all round good guy, challenged me to write about them.
So I did.
Hit the pictures to jump to the review.
The Holy Trinity. Does it match anyone elses? Would you trade one for one?
I ask because in doing the Top Five of 2010, (which evolved a lot), I got to wondering.
Phil, head of LFF, and all round good guy, challenged me to write about them.
So I did.
Hit the pictures to jump to the review.
The Holy Trinity. Does it match anyone elses? Would you trade one for one?
Live For Films,
Movies Are My Life
Monday, 20 December 2010
The One Where "Other" Is The Best Xmas Movie Ever. EVER!
OK. Confession time. My choice of Xmas movies was very tongue in cheek. The selection of "other" rolled on from my amazement about last weeks vote.
But I want to clarify two things.
One, if a film is set at Christmas, even if it involves Ho-ho-hoing with machine guns, it's a Christmas movie - or at least, can be.
Secondly, the same applies if a kid gets a little cute alien thing for Christmas... Even if that little creature thing turns into (many) psycho creatures. And they put each other in blenders.
Thirdly (bare with me), Love Actually is a beautiful film.
As far as Christmas movies go, I confess, it may be my favourite.
As I said in the original post - none of that A Wonderful World bollocks.
A Muppet Christmas Carol won outright, from "non-other" votes.
A Wonderful Life got two votes, from @Debsa and @DomCoke within a few seconds of each other - both saying that was the end of the vote.
Gremlins got two.
Elf got three.
Love Actually five.
This new smart phone App means anyone wanting to vote in 2011,
So that's that.
It goes with out saying, thanks for bothering to vote, suggesting votes, liking votes, RTing votes etc.
If you want to put something to the vote, just DM me.
Ho-Ho-Ho, Merry Christmas. Now I have a machine gun.
Sunday, 19 December 2010
The One With Tron Legacy
I don't really talk about work on here, and that won't change. You need to know that I had a terrible day at work though. The reason for that is if you see Tron, after my gushing review, and thinks it's rubbish... well, I'll just tell you that I really needed cheering up.
That said, I think it holds up in it's own right.
In fact, I think it's a little gem.
Not quite Top Five material, (More on that next week, as we close the door on 2010), but close.
Visually stunning. Well acted (Jeff Bridges... twice!). And the soundtrack of the year. No question.
Tron opens with the Disney sign being illuminated, " Tron style". I immediately felt comfortable. This was going to be smarter than I'd been led to believe.
Then, my jaw dropped. In what I thought was a bad way.
Thinking they were going to do a Scott Pilgrim style gag, some computer style type, tells us that some parts were shot in 2D. And that Disney were aware of this. But to wear your glasses anyway.
What the fuck??
I turned to JMcG and said, "This £1.50 surcharge is a joke... it should be 75p".
Then something strange happened. The first fifteen minutes, including a brilliant cameo, are in 2D. And it suddenly makes perfect sense. The Grid, when Sam is transported is in 3D.
It shouldn't work, but it does. I almost wish that computer type had said... "Don't need your glasses yet... when you do, it'll be frickin obvious... and you'll forgive us".
Because it does work in 3D. It looks stunning. And because of the context of the
But the most startling thing about this, save from the incredible Daft Punk soundtrack, is what they've attempted with Clu. You see Clu is Jeff Bridges 20 years ago. And for the most part, it's incredibly well realised. Don't get me wrong, you know it's motion capture. But if you didn't know that... you might be fooled.
I have to say, out of everything I've seen in 2010, that excites me most.
My favourite actors aren't getting any younger. What if, in ten years say, they've perfected this. Maybe they make a sequel to Angel Heart with Mickey Rourke as he should look. Maybe Clint gets to make that western with Costner Dad and I always talked about. Maybe they go one step further. Maybe Brandon Lee gets to star in the remake of The Crow. The possibilities are endless. And for that reason, I'll always love Tron.
The soundtrack?
Unbelievable. Journey kicked in, and until I got home and watched the original (on YouTube of all places. Who knew.), I hadn't realised they had done the song for the original. But this is Daft Punks show. And they nail it. They get a cameo too, in the club, and I can't think of a better soundtrack in the last few years. It tops Zimmers work on Inception. And I got it as soon as I got home. Like the film or not, I think you'll do the same.
Any bad bits?
Well it's pure hokum. If you can't get past the idea of a computer generated world, where people race light cycles... well. It 'aint for you?
Jeff Bridges channeling The Dude? Why not. Just why not.
And Martin Sheen. Well, you'll either just see Nigel Clough (I did!), or David Bowie.
I have to say though, the bits I thought I would hate weren't even issues. I liked Sam. Obviously I liked Olivia Wilde, but thought she suited the part too. I'm just impressed.
Is it possible that this is my most anticipated Bluey of 2011? Is this the film to force my hand towards a 3D TV.
Yes, and... *looks at Mrs T with lovely puppy dog eyes*
Oh, come on Ju. You're messing with my Zen, maaaan.
The One Where MUFC Surge Onwards
So normally I would launch next weeks vote... But there isn't one. Check out last nights post for exciting news about that, though.
Then I'd normally write about United, but there was no game.
You know. Even though Keano's team played in a fricking blizzard.
This has nothing to do with Chelsea bottling it.
This has nothing to do with Chelsea bottling it.
This has nothing to do with Chelsea bottling it.
This has nothing to do with Chelsea bottling it.
This has nothing to do with Chelsea bottling it.
This has nothing to do with Chelsea bottling it.
This has nothing to do with Chelsea bottling it.
This has nothing to do with Chelsea bottling it.
This has nothing to do with Chelsea bottling it.
This has nothing to do with Chelsea bottling it.
The One With Catfish
A late contender for my top five, this.
When it launched at Sundance, it caused a massive stir.
The reason?
Well, essentially it is the story of someone in NY, falling in love with someone on the Internet. He meets her after getting some paintings from an 8 year old. The girl he falls for is hot, so you can't blame him. But then, flaws in her story start to appear. She sings. But Nev finds the exact same song on the net.
Bloody internet. It's as bad as it is good, isn't it?
The reason for the stir?
Well, that's the secret of Catfish. And I won't tell you.
But the reason you will want to know, is that this is a documentary.
So the whole time, we see this unfurl as the characters do.
And if it is true, if that final third really did happen, well, it's the greatest anti-internet movie ever.
Brilliantly made. Fantastic "acting". Likeable.
This got seriously close to my Top Five. Talking of which, next week each day is a count down of my top five, ending on NYE, with all of ours (Ledgers).
Oh. And just because I made me do a laugh out loud, this... But no. Sadly. That isn't the "twist"
Saturday, 18 December 2010
The One With "Testing, Testing, 1...2...3"
Bit of an experiment this one... sorry for posting several attempts, and flooding your twitter feed.
This is exciting for me though. (I know, I know. I need a life. But humour me... Mrs T and ET aren't here tonight.)
So... this basically would replace the vote bar at the side. I'd probably have a big picture still, relevant to that weeks vote... but the tick box itself would be inside the post. Kudos to GC for that idea.
Crucially, though. It tallies up with the new phone app. So if I voted on there, it updates the post. Clever, huh?
Good luck to "other" in 2011, I say.
The One With MUFCs "Game Of The Year"
There's not a lot I can say about SAF, so I won't. I'll save that for when he goes. And I'm readying myself now to have to write a good bye and thank you letter. Probably whilst sobbing my eyes out.
We've turned a corner in the last few weeks. We look solid.
Sorry for the bits chalked out. It just got called off. 28 hours before the game. I've never heard of anything so ridiculous. I get that the ground is dangerous around the ground, now.... So... do something about it? I quite like snow. It's pretty. But when people start letting it affect things, as if they had no idea it was coming. Not good enough.
United will now need to play two extra games. Ones crammed in in January. When will the other be?
Advantage Sky and Chelsea, I say. And City if they're top at Christmas. Pathetic effort, for the "BIGGEST" league in the world.
Season So Far
The One With The Game Of The Year 2011
PES2011 and Black Ops will be in my PS3 for a long time yet.
Both still rough around the edges. Frustrating in the lack of detail at times. Then, moments of absolute genius. Moments of punching the air. Caring what happens. Any game that gets that sort of reaction is OK by me.
PES2011 works online, too. Incredibly well. I'm urging JMcG to sort it out, so we can do Masters League online. Then? Then I think the longevity just runs and runs.
It took a bit of work to put my own music on. To port the official kits over. Put chants on. But it's finished now. And brilliant.
Black Ops, similarly, with it's endless editing options will get me coming back for more. (Not until they patch it though). If JMcG thinks I'm losing my stats with out a fight, he can do one. You have until NYE Flash, to top my stats. Challenge accepted?
PES2011 works online, too. Incredibly well. I'm urging JMcG to sort it out, so we can do Masters League online. Then? Then I think the longevity just runs and runs.
It took a bit of work to put my own music on. To port the official kits over. Put chants on. But it's finished now. And brilliant.
Black Ops, similarly, with it's endless editing options will get me coming back for more. (Not until they patch it though). If JMcG thinks I'm losing my stats with out a fight, he can do one. You have until NYE Flash, to top my stats. Challenge accepted?
But why else do they tie? What else went on in 2010?
Friday, 17 December 2010
The One With The Blog App
I love gadgets and that.
I woke this morning to find that Blogger had finally done it. There is a beta for reading mine and @DiaryOfALedgers Blog on your smart phone.
Not just ours, obviously. But you need to question why you would need to read anyone elses.
Whats sweet about it, versus the old one?
A couple of really simple things...
Thursday, 16 December 2010
The One Where I Write To Dexter... Again!
Dear Dexter,
I wrote to you recently. I enclose that first letter, HERE. You didn't reply. You may have been busy. I've been busy too. Watching your TV show. I'm still behind, but getting better.
I've finished two TV shows recently. And I'm a bit "Meh" about both.
The problem I've always found with TV shows, especially the longer they go, is that they get repetitive. They cover old ground.
I'm not sure there's ever been better examples of that than Dexter and Walking Dead.
A film of two hours has done something seriously wrong if feels repetitive, and like it's going over the same themes.
I watched Inception last night, and that final shot... Wow. Imagine they went and made a sequel. There is no doubt that if it contained any of the same characters it would distract from the original. I don't ever want a definitive answer to whether it stops, or not.
And I think that analogy sums up why I struggle with TV in general.
I've watched more TV this year than ever before.
Pacific was a real high. So was Twin Peaks.
Both suffered from repetition, no doubt - but they were special. And different in their own right.
The problem I found with Dexter Season Four is that I felt like I'd seen it all before. Sure, John Lithgow is good. But he's a serial killer. And Dexters sister is on to him. So it's just like season two.
The angle of Dexter now being a Dad is interesting, but is never went as far as I wanted it too. There was a great opportunity for Dexter to have quiet moments, talking to the baby. Exploring why he does what he does. Whether he's going to change. Instead that gets little, if any attention.
Instead we still get Deters Ghost Dad. And the voice over.
I'll get hold of Season Five from Flash - but I have to be honest, this is no where near where I thought it would be. Certainly not close to Season Two - which I couldn't put down.
Season Four seems to have been on the Mac for about Two months. And yes, I'm aware that watching it so sporadically has hardly helped endear it too me.
With Walking Dead, nothing got close to Episode One. I loved it. Winking at John Carpenter in the first few minutes by killing the girl, then riding into town on horse back. Brilliant. It dipped in episode two for me, then picked up, then dipped again.
As I say, I just found it all pretty "meh" - which is a shame.
Not as big a shame as the threat of a second series though. I mean really... Is that strictly necessary??
Just to finish on a positive note, I thought the Finale was amazing. Right back on form.
In fact the last scene was incredible, and on reflection, may excuse the whole Season.
Is that real blood? Or corn syrup?
So, I guess I have a question... Shall I even bother with Season Five? Will it carry on that high, or crash right back down, again??
ps I think, despite your homicidal tendencies, you will be a great Dad.
pps I can't believe John Lithgows cock was necessary, either.
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
The One With Expendables Uncut
Best Buy have a ridiculous offer on Blu Rays at the moment.
Five for Fifty bucks.
Any chart titles. When I went in, that even included the Twilight Box Set.
This is clearly wrong. And mental.
For me, in 2010, Xmas came 9 days early...
Blu Ray
The One Where I Try To Escape Lebanon
I haven't ditched Love Film. There's just been a slew of titles for Mrs T. Plus Invictus, which I sent back, with out even watching. Finally one for me. Lebanon.
As if I hadn't had my fair share of gruelling sub titled films, lately...
I'd wanted to see Lebanon for ages.
I think it had a couple of 5* reviews in Empire/Total Film - or certainly very good ones.
Trouble is, I knew instantly, I'd want to try and forget it as soon as possible...
I Heart Love Film
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
'I'm ready to take it to the street.' by @diaryofaledger
This is like a confessional: Achtung Baby never really leaves me alone.
When U2 disappeared, after Rattle Hum, for three years, they said they were going away to 'dream it all up again', and they came back with their best album, ever. Maybe one of the very best albums I own, certainly one that I often say is my favourite. No one is more aware than me of how not cool that is. As per, I really don't care.
I was in Australia when it came out, was already a fan and I can remember watching the video for the Fly and people saying that U2 had blown it. That it was so far away from what they were as a band that the fans would turn. Like many others though I bought Achtung, out of almost curiosity and it quickly became the album that soundtracked that trip and the relationship I was in at the time. Had they blown it? Nope. They'd nailed it.
That opening still takes me back to the old Wembley and seeing them for the first time live. Bono high on a perch way above the stage, hopping to that dirty industrial guitar sound. The voice messed with and all over the place way before it even starts to sound like U2 at all.
Everything feels different on Achtung and yet it's still U2 at its heart.
Next year it's twenty years old but for most fans I suspect it's the one album that gets a regular airing. The symbolism and sexuality in the lyrics and at times just the sheer simpleness of it all make it a complete joy to listen to.
Of course it contains One. I've been thinking today about what I say about it. How do I describe a song that means so much to me? What does it mean to me? That might be where I dry up because it's someone else's words, that I suppose embody the relationship that I was in at the time and the aftermath of it ending. And then it's about all the others that have followed too. It's not a painful listen it's just one bound up in a shed load of memories. Truly the most beautiful thing Bono ever wrote.
Until the End of the World still sounds amazing and still takes me back to those days living in Bondi. I love the religious references and the the no holds barred blow job moment. It's so far away from the Joshua Tree in the quality of the writing.
Let's pretend the one about the Wild Horses isn't on it m'kay? Cheers. ('Hey hey sha la la....' WTF?!!!)
There's a sense throughout that U2 thought they were fighting to stay where they were as a band. Forget the tax dodging and preaching shit of the now. At the time, despite selling well, Rattle and Hum had been widely ridiculed, they had to make a record that changed everything. For me, despite the brilliance of One it's on the album tracks like So Cruel and Ultraviolet that they really achieved this.
So Cruel is understated brilliance.
Desperation is a tender trap
It gets you every time
You put your lips to her lips
To stop the lieThe Fly has lost the shock factor now and feels a bit throwaway, sort of a Get on Your Boots of its time. Mysterious Ways is still the one really uplifting song on the album and it still brings a smile to my face but it's the darker shit that I really love on the album.
The last three tracks are three of my U2 songs. Ultraviolet (Light My Way) which they're still playing live, is a truly brilliant piece of work. It's dark but there's hope within it all. Acrobat which follows is probably one that gets forgotten, possibly because it's kind of like those last few tracks on Joshua Tree, kind of dense and full of The Edge. But lyrically it's pretty special and I love Bono's voice on it, breaking and croaky like a smoker. 'Don't Let the Bastards Drag You Down,' has never sounded better.
Then it ends with Love is Blindness. Beautiful and U2 at their best. And also on reflection quite odd.
So there you go, I rather like U2. Kill me now, put me up against the Twitter firing squad, I doth not care. Achtung is still up there for me. Life defining stuff.
Gray Knows Music
Monday, 13 December 2010
The One Where George Michael Gets Rap... Er... Out Of A Vote
You sons of bitches!
I had no idea the lack of love Wham!, Band Aid and The Pogues would suffer this week.
It was painful to watch.
To be fair, some of the other suggestions were class...
The One Where We've Come So Far, And Reached So High
I'll buy all three. The last one, probably to just trade it in within the day.
All of them have one thing in common... Incredible last shots. Brilliant.
So, basically... do one 2010. It's all about 2011!
Sunday, 12 December 2010
The One Where Matt Cardle Can Fuck Himself In His Fucking Face
I'm looking for positives.
The only one I can think of is that a Biffy Clyro song will be Christmas Number One.
Oh, and....
Nope. That's it.
The One Where I Heart Carlitos Again
Hit the picture for more.
You couldn't write it.
I always knew he would end up being a Cult Hero again at Old Trafford.
If he quits football for his family, I'd almost forgive him.
OK. Maybe not. But it would be a start.
I'll sleep well tonight, knowing SAF was right.
The One Where It's Christmasss, And We Vote (Again)!
Right, none of that A Wonderful Life crap.
This weeks vote is for the greatest Christmas movie, ever.
Die Hard. Scrooged. A Muppet Christmas Carol. Snowman.
Choose one!
If you went "Other", what did you want??
Saturday, 11 December 2010
The One Where Arsene Wenger Sees Red At #MUFC
So, no 3pm KO. Again.
Instead we play Monday.
There were plus points from the Valencia game. Still unbeaten in the League and Europe.
Anderson coming of age. (Really, this time?)
Rooney pinging the ball left right and centre, and it actually going where he wanted it, too.
Amos starting.
Other than that, it all smacked of trying to get everyone through it for Monday.
I was in Spain for last seasons 2-1 win. Very drunk. But I remember this vividly... Highlight of my life, let alone 2009.
Season So Far
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